From a Petite Remote-sized Kitten to a Lap Cat Extravaganza: The Blooming Story of an Outdoor Rescue

Rokυ, the resilient kitten, faced overwhelming odds when found outdoors without a mother. A TNR (trap-neuter-return) rescuer came across him and his siblings, but he emerged as the sole survivor.

Shelby Thorpe, the founder of Shelby’s Kitten SafeHouse in Oregon, got wind of his predicament and swiftly intervened to rescue him. “When I got him, he was just skin and bones and had eye infections and fleas,” Shelby revealed to Love Meow. “He was only slightly larger than the Rokυ remote, which is how he got his name.”

The petite tabby, estimated at four weeks old based on teeth and development, was only the size of a two-week-old kitten. Despite his tiny stature, he displayed an incredible fighting spirit.

“I knew he would be okay when I saw his voracious appetite. He meowed loudly for the first couple of days, and the only thing that settled him down was if I sat with him or carried him around with me,” Shelby shared with Love Meow.

Rokυ insisted on being near his foster mom at all times, expressing his desire with screams and cries if she wasn’t around. Despite a rough start, this little guy with the big voice demanded constant companionship, and Shelby happily complied.

The affectionate kitten would snuggle up to his human whenever he was ready for a nap. Shelby arranged a cozy cave bed with plenty of blankets for him to knead on. The clingy kitty quickly discovered the joy of climbing, often making his way to the top of the bed, vying for Shelby’s attention.

In just one week, Rokυ underwent a remarkable transformation. His eyes cleared up, and he became noticeably more relaxed. Embracing an array of plush toys in his crib and surrounded by soft comforts, nothing brought him more joy than having a warm lap to sit on.

Recognizing the benefits of companionship, Shelby introduced him to a few other fosters when he was healthy and ready to mingle.

“He has turned into an extremely affectionate little guy who throws his whole body into your hand when you pet him to the point that he basically falls over,” Shelby shared with Love Meow.

“His favorite things to do are rub his face against people, get back scratches, and also play with his new kitten siblings.”

Rokυ, the people-cat, will come running if he spots an empty lap in the room. Though he may be the smallest kitten in the house, he has so much love to give.

The little love-bug continues to fill the room with his adorable, rumbling purrs. With his sweetest gaze, he has a way of enchanting anyone he comes across.

Who could possibly say no to that face?

The palm-sized wonder has blossomed into a gorgeous tabby and is almost ready for his exciting next chapter — his forever loving home.