Rescued from a Trash-Filled Lot, Cat Finds Dream Home Fit for a King


About three months ago, an urgent rescue request reached Little Wanderers NYC concerning a cat discovered in a trash-filled lot.

The orange tabby had taken refuge among a heap of empty cans behind a gate, catching the attention of a local cat colony caregiver. Approaching the timid feline, she spoke to him in a soft voice. Despite his initial shyness, the cat responded with gentle meows, revealing a story of recent abandonment and nowhere to turn. His plaintive meows and slow blinks melted the caregiver’s heart, compelling her to find him a safe haven.

“The first time I saw him, he was scared. He meowed at everyone for help and just stayed in this little gate. I don’t think he had ever experienced a winter before, so he was worried,” shared the caregiver with Little Wanderers NYC.

As the cat warmed up to the caregiver, allowing her to pet him, he leaned in for comfort.

Little Wanderers NYC swiftly mobilized, dispatching a volunteer to the rescue. “Domesticated cats have little to no chance of survival on the streets of the borough. We couldn’t leave this cat outside,” the rescue organization emphasized.

Finally safe, the orange tabby, now named Fairmount, found himself indoors with plenty of food and a warm bed.

At the vet, Fairmount started to come out of his shell, especially with the help of treats. Treated for a severe stomach infection and other issues, he was on the road to recovery, thanks to the dedicated efforts of the rescue and the veterinary team.

“We took care of him, and then he went into foster care with one of our amazing foster families.”

In foster care, Fairmount flourished, gaining confidence to seek attention and expressing himself with heartfelt meows.

His inner kitten emerged as he discovered new toys, signaling that he was ready for a place of his own.

Around the same time, a couple in search of a feline companion after their fostering experience stumbled upon Fairmount and Little Wanderers NYC.

“We made up our minds that we wanted one for ourselves forever. We spent a few weeks checking out various shelters and organizations until we stumbled across Fairmount and Little Wanderers NYC,” the couple shared.

Enchanted by his dreamy face and moved by his rescue story, they knew Fairmount was the perfect addition to their family.

After months in foster care, Fairmount, now renamed Sawyer, joined his new family in his forever home. No longer perched on trash piles, Sawyer now occupies a beautiful throne filled with food and supplies.

“Since we brought him home, he’s been busy settling into the good life of napping in bed with us and chasing around all his toys.”

It takes a village to save one cat, and Sawyer has found his dream home with a loving family that spoils him. Claiming every inch as his kingdom, he lives like a king, romping around the house and enjoying his newfound royal status.

“We’re so thankful to Little Wanderers NYC for finding us our new best buddy.”

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